Vincent, quelques points de règle que nous n'avons pas ou mal appliqués :
4.5.C Unless the headline event specifically refers to availability of operations points, neither player receives operations points from cards played during the headline phase.
=> je me rappelle que tu en a eu comme ça 
6.1.1 Influence markers are placed one at a time. However, all markers must be placed with, or adjacent to, friendly markers that were in place at the start of the phasing player’s Action Round.
=> je ne sais pas si cela s'est produit mais moi je n'avais pas cette règle en tête10.1.2 Players score additional points during Regional Scoring, as follows:
• +1 VP per country they Control in the scoring region that is adjacent to the enemy superpower
• +1 VP per Battleground country that they Control in the scoring region.
=> les bonus sont toujours pris en compte, que tu sois présent, que tu domines ou que tu contrôle (on avait fait uniquement en cas de contrôle)