Les ludopathes Nantais

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Lord of water deep précisions

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Lord of water deep précisions

Messagepar Seb0 » Sam 27 Juil 2013 11:12

Nombre de bâtiment qui peuvent être construit dans une partie:

Après vérification sur la FAQ:
Can more than 10 Buildings be in play?
Yes. The number of empty Building spaces on the board is no limit to the number of Buildings that can be in play during the game.

Donc notre constructeur aurait pu construire un bâtiment supplémentaire ce qui aurait encore resserré les scores.

Placer un agent au port pendant la phase de replacement
Après vérification sur la FAQ:
Q: If I complete the "Recruit Lieutenant" quest as a result of reassigning an agent from "Waterdeep Harbor", do I get to assign that agent immediately?
A: Yes. If any effect puts a new agent into your pool during reassignment from "Waterdeep Harbor", you assign that agent immediately. However, you can't assign him to "Waterdeep Harbor" (he follows the same rule as the "Research Chronomancy" quest, a returned/new agent can't be assigned to "Waterdeep Harbor" during the reassignment phase of the round).

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Inscription: 21 Déc 2009
Localisation: Nantes
Prénom: Sebastien

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